[BUILT] AOSPA / Paranoid Android For Huawei Honor Holly [6.0.1][MT6582]

We are launching brand spanking fresh. All new features. New team members. New everything and we have made sure that everything that we are releasing has been polished to our best.

A lot went into this version of Paranoid Android, specially on the CAF side (OnePlus / Non-nexus devices). We ship with custom in-house kernels tweaked to provide the best power-battery combo, new functionalities and designs for hardware-specific options like the alert slider and advanced controls just for OnePlus devices - so feel pretty.

The main features and enhancements that you will probably end up noticing are our custom Quick Settings tile reordering functionality, floating window support, immersive mode, the new on-the-spot interface and CM Theme Engine. There's much more to come, so sit tight!

Feature highlights

Floating mode
Immersive mode
On-the-spot controls
Quick settings re-order
Paranoid OTA (Updates)
Battery styles
Advanced power dialog
Quick pull-down
Theme engine


As we're getting back into the thread game, keeping up with threads and updating them as per changelogs can be too hectic given our schedule. However, very detailed changelogs always go up on our Google+ page, follow us for constant updates!

Instructions & requirements

We highly recommend you to follow these instructions very carefully. Users usually tend to skip a few steps and eventually fall in trouble. Are you with me? Good. Let's get this train going.

Just a few things to keep in mind first -
If you're coming from another ROM / Stock, your system data (not internal storage) will have to be wiped. This includes apps, accounts, messages, call logs etc.
There's been some users complaining about different GAPPS variants messing up installs and causing a ton of issues. Upon investigating it seems OpenGapps Mini/Nano and Banks GAPPS work best.
Understand that Paranoid Android is a custom ROM and it might lead to addiction as it's relatively good. We shouldn't be accused of anything just incase your cat starts drinking wine. Things get a little woozy in the Paranoid World.
Some brain might be involved if things go wrong. Not a lot though, as much to solve what's 1+1.
Okay let's get to the main bit -
Once you have all the required files - boot into recovery and wipe the bananas out of your device. Get into the wipe menu and wipe data, system, cache and dalvik cache (basically everything except Internal Storage).
Once wiped, get into the "Install from zip" menu and select the ROM zip. (pa_bacon_6.x...). Once added to the install queue, TWRP will ask you if you want to add more zips into the queue - Click on "add more zips" and select the GAPPS package.
Swipe the bar on the bottom to flash/install zips. Once both zips are done installing - Reboot into system and set-up your device, do not do anything else.
Once you're done setting up your device - well that's when you're done. One thing though - Make sure you DO NOT INSTALL any other zip in the same queue as the ROM & GAPPS. Meaning, do not flash anything like a kernel or a root package while installing the ROM. We recommend you do that AFTER you're done setting up your device.

Download : Click Here :P

Credits :

Ferhung- MT6582 GOD
Fire855- MT6592 GOD
Sergey Kochetoff- For GPS fix
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgad- For video rec Fix
Aniruddha Adhikary- For USSD Fix
Varun Chitre
Kishan- For building it for Holly
Aboothair - For Testing and fixing bugs
Team HRP- Kishan,Suhail,Hemant,Krishna,Ismail,Aboothair,Omar


  1. please port funtouch os for holly u19
    because it fabulous


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